My name is Marlys Anderson. I live in Minnesota seven months a year and Arizona the other five months. My hobbies are knitting, crocheting, stained glass, scrapbooking and square dancing.
I started CAPS FOR SOLDIERS while in Arizona December of 2008 when I sent our grandson, who was stationed in Korea, a stocking cap. He asked for 35 more for his buddies. I didn;t know how I was ever going to get 35 caps finished before winter was over in Korea, so I asked for help at one of our park meetings. I not only got numerous knitters but donations to make hundreds of caps, so I was destined not to stop at just 35 caps. The donations are used to purchased yarn and pay for shipping costs.
I have met so many wonderful people through this project. The knitters and crocheters are so willing to help. Their husbands have their own stories about the cold winter night out in the field fighting for our country and what they would have given to have received one of these nice warm cap. Many of these men have said "just to get something from home, meant so much to us". That brought a tear to my eyes. I'm so excited to find a way that I can give back.
Another wonderful person I met was Dr Deborah Deacon, retired Navy commander. She is an historian that is co-authoring a book on American women and the ways in which women explored the impact of war on their lives through all types of art, including painting, sculpture, knitting , embroidery and quilting. The book will begin with the American Revolutionary and end with the current conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq. Dr Deacon asked to include some of my information in her book. I am very honored.
The Arizona Republic newspaper published an article in the spring of 2010 asking for more knitters and donations. I received over 150 emails the first week after it was published. People wanting to help and others wanting to donate. I was very overwhelmed knowing so many were willing to help.
When the knitters and crocheters left Arizona in the spring, they went back to their homes throughout the US and Canada, they shared the patterns with their family and friends. In Minnesota, numerous other newspaper articles were published about my CAPS FOR SOLDIERS project and bringing me more wonderful crafters. Thanks to all of you that help keep our project alive.
Thank you to all our troops and veterans for your service.
God Bless our Troops and bring them home safe.